welcomeCall for PapersRhode Island
Scientific Program
short abstract submissionextended abstractsInformation for Presentersregistration
housing and travelSocial Program
sponsors and exhibitors notice board

Information for Presenters

Regular presentations are 15 minutes in length with an additional 5 minutes for questions and changeover. Keynotes and featured presentations are 25 minutes in length with an additional 5 minutes for questions and changeover. Times will be strictly enforced.

Posters are maximum 120 cm x 120 cm. We will supply pins.

Options for Oral Presenters

1 (best option): e-mail your file (PowerPoint or pdf) to [email protected] before the meeting (we are accepting files now!). Please use your paper number (listed on program) to name your file, such as: C085.ppt

2: Bring your PowerPoint or pdf file on a CD, and submit it to our staff at the registration desk.

3. Bring your own laptop (Note: you must be able to configure your own laptop, and we ask that you try this in your actual presentation room well before the start of your session)

4. Bring transparencies for the overhead projector

We do not recommend the use of memory sticks (compatibility problems).

Compatibility cannot be guaranteed so we STRONGLY recommend bringing transparencies as back-ups.